понедељак, 8. јун 2009.

"Deception Point" by Dan Brown

Deception Point is a typical Dan Brown novel, meaning it is written in a great rhythm, it is unpredictable, it has many sudden twists and it is easily imagined as a blockbuster movie. The story begins with NASA finding an astonishingly rare object under the Milne Ice Shelf which is located in the Arctic Circle. It couldn’t have come in a better time since NASA has had so many flops recently and they are desperately in need of success. This find also helps the President of the United States of America since NASA plays a big part in his political campaign, as he is running for his second mandate. Zach Henrey, the President, finances NASA generously as he believes they tie the US in pride, but because of their many recent failures Senator Sedgwick Sexton, his rival, has made quite a stand against NASA funding, causing a drop in points for the President. Wisely, Zach asks for Rachel Sexton, the daughter of Senator Sedgwick, who works for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) as the White House intelligence analyst. Rachel accepts because she respects the President and despises her father. Her trip takes her to the Milne Ice Shelf to prove the authenticity of the find, where she meets Michael Tolland, a famous scientist. After analyzing all the facts she is quite shocked and impressed, but then Michael and Rachel uncover evidence of scientific trickery. As they want to reveal this highly controversial information, they realize it is too late since they come under attack from a Delta Force Team. In a series of extraordinary and suspenseful events, Rachel and Tolland try to survive and get the information out to the world. The book ends with a happy ending and romance between Rachel and Tolland, just like a Hollywood movie should.

Technology Summary

“Technology is a broad concept that deals with a species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to its environment.” In today’s world when people think of technology, mostly they mean computers, airplanes, cars, cell phones, and television. Technology is also known for its role as the carrier of information, which is its most important aspect in modern times. If one could describe the 20th century in a couple of words it would be called the century of technology. Absolutely nothing in the 20th century remained the same as it was in the 19th. In no other century did things change with such rapidity and with such lasting impact. The most important effect on human behavior and culture came from technologies which were related to media, i.e. electronic and informational technologies. Thanks to them, the world has become a global village with all the drawbacks and advantages of such change. Instead of people controlling technology, recently it has been the other way around to the extent that we as a species are becoming too dependent, too weak, too limited, because we rely too much on technology. All technology was invented to give people more freedom, time and dependence; but as time shows it is just the opposite - in a way we have become addicted to technology.

World War 1 and 2

World War 1 was a breakthrough in warfare as technology was used on a large scale for the first time in the history of mankind. It started the arms race as many new weapons were designed, such as: airplanes, artillery, machine guns, tanks, poisonous gas, land mines and many others. One could hardly find a more horrifying example of the misuse of technological advancements. Instead of being employed for the benefit of the human race, technology allowed for the Great War to occur. Only 30 years before such a thing as a world war would not be possible. 20 million casualties are grim proof of how technology could worsen and jeopardize human existence. Unfortunately, World War 1 was soon overshadowed by World War 2, in which the ultimate technological event occurred: the A-bombs were thrown on Hiroshima and Naggasaki. In an instant 199,000 people died, and many more died later due to radiation. Therefore, we can call the 20th century the century of war, instead of the century of technology, which really imposes the question: is the human race mature enough to handle inventions of their own scientists?

Space Technology

Some of the greatest moments in the history of humankind have happened thanks to technology. One of those unforgettable events was NASA’s mission Apollo 11, which took off on July 16th 1969 and landed on the moon on July 20th 1969. As Neil Armstrong’s stated, it really was, “One small step for man, but a giant step for mankind.” This is a perfect example of how technology could be used for noble causes. Since that landing, our technological advance shows no signs of stopping and we have made many discoveries but none with such importance as the Lunar Landing of 1969, which unified the world in a mutual feeling of dignity for being a member of a race which was able to leave the mother planet. Unfortunately, such endeavors occur rarely and technological prosperity is mainly focused on creating a profit, therefore many vital problems such as cancer, aids, poverty, famine, pollution and global warming are still unresolved although it’s obvious that we do have resources and scientists who could solve them, but money is utilized for wrong reasons. The question is: what is technology good for if it’s not used for humane causes?

Lunar Landing 1969


The most influential aspect of technology in the 20th century is the field of media, including: television, movies, newspapers, and above all, internet. Only 20 years ago it would be impossible to imagine that a person would be able to connect to the world with just one click. Even the most educated and most visionary minds were not prepared for possibilities and influence of internet; the internet surprised even its own creators. Today it is the most influential media on planet Earth, at least for teenagers. What makes the internet so unique to all other media’s is its interactivity. Informational technologies provide the functioning of the internet in a way that its average consumer does not even comprehend. The most popular website on the internet is Facebook which best illustrates the impact of technology on the life of an average internet addict. Complete social lives’ of hundreds of thousands of people exist only in the virtual reality of Facebook. Who could ever predict such influence of technology on human life? Love it or hate it, the internet will shape our world for the 21st century.

Creative Project English

Nikola Tausan


31st May 2009


Mrs. V

Creative Project “Deception Point” by Dan Brown


EXT- Ocean Surface- 12 miles of the coast of New Jersey- just before dawn.

MICHAEL is standing, knee-deep in water, on the engine box of the sinking Triton submersible.


MICHAEL is terrified and his face expresses an intense panicked and feverish thinking.


(Frustrated yell)

Think!!! Why is this sub sinking?

QUICK CUT to underwater camera angled at the Tritons ballast tanks.

In frame is MICHAEL’s hand feeling the bullet holes in the tank.


A wave of realization comes across his face, yet it brings no relief.

Camera zooms out to a WIDE ANGLE

In the frame MICHAEL swims confidently towards the sub which is three feet under water, and sinking further.

The camera follows MICHAEL as he dives underwater and zooms in on the glass at the front of the Triton.

Camera changes to MICHAEL’S point of view. He is right in front of the dome on the head of the Triton; MICHAEL is watching RACHEL struggle and panic inside the sub.

MICHAEL already holding his breath too long is aching with pain; just before he surfaces he manages to read RACHEL’S lips, she is yelling something about water coming in around the window.

Camera follows MICHAEL from underneath as he is swimming to the surface, sharks and lights are seen above as well as the silhouette of MICHAEL swimming.

QUICK CUT to CLOSE up of MICHAEL’S face when he surfaces. Gasping for air his face shows a brief relief, but then it changes to a hopeful one.


The leaking window is the key!


What if I increased the pressure inside the sub?


MICHAEL takes three deep breaths and dives quickly into the warm dark water.

QUICK CUT to back of sub where MICHAEL is fidgeting with a large tank of pressurized air.

ZOOM in on the hoses’ as MICHAEL attaches the tank to them.

ZOOM OUT enough to see the stopcock being turned, and the hose going rigid as air pumps through it.

INT- Triton submersible

A very claustrophobic area, with a large see-through dome in front, and right before it, attached to the bottom, a control table with many various levers, buttons and panels.

QUICK CUT to inside the Triton, where RACHEL is obviously in pain as she places her hands over her ears and closes her eyes while pulling her knees up to her chest; a loud hiss of air is heard inside the sub.

CAMERA placed behind RACHEL shows the small compartment in the sub with the glass dome in front. MICHAEL is seen on the other side of the glass, banging and trying to explain to RACHEL how to break out of the sub. RACHEL looks at MICHAEL in a confused manner; while air bubbles are gargling out of his mouth, MICHAEL disappears.

QUICK CUT to RACHEL (whole body is seen)

RACHEL feels like she is going to die alone in a steel crypt. RACHEL has hallucinations of her mother how she encourages her to fight. RACHEL’s face reflects inner combat between the sense of utter despair and a drive to survive.

QUICK CUT to outside the Triton WIDE PANEL view.

Triton slowly lists as the ballast tanks are full.

QUICK CUT to inside the TRITON

RACHEL snaps out of her hallucination as she loses balance and hits the spherical dome, her right shoulder pulses with pain. Suddenly, RACHEL feels a sense of relief as the pressure inside the Triton decreases. RACHEL realizes that the dome is loose as she sees an air bubble escape. QUICK CUT to close up of RACHEL’S face


(With comprehension)

The dome is loose!


That’s what MICHAEL was trying to tell me!

QUICK CUT TO inside the triton RACHEL and the dome can be seen.

RACHEL throws her weight at the dome with sheer determination to break out, but nothing happens. The air pressure is rising and RACHEL feels a suffocating grip pushing her close to unconsciousness. Hallucinations kick in again. RACHEL hears her mother’s persistent voice uttering, “Fight Rachel, fight…”

QUICK CUT to WIDE PANEL of Triton sub.

The Triton tips backwards slowly.

QUICK CUT inside the Triton

RACHEL slams against the back part of the cockpit, and looks straight up at millions of gallons of water pressing against the glass dome. RACHEL’S face shows a painful grimace as the pressure rises; RACHEL utilizing her last ounce of strength pulls her legs towards her chest, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. RACHEL kicks the left side of the leaking dome and water rushes in’ it fills the cockpit in a second.

QUICK CUT to show that RACHEL is out of the Triton and that the Triton is on its one way journey to the bottom of the ocean.

QUICK CUT to sinking Kiowa Chopper

A frame of twisted steel, with a distorted body inside, that succumbed to the pressure of the depth.

QUICK CUT to magma plume

Magma plume glows red as the Kiowa chopper hits it, the Hellfire missiles, already under great pressure, are exposed to the heat and they give way, blowing up. Magma flows up from the plume, and instantly turns water into steam. (This causes the steam to rise and water shoots down only to be turned into steam causing a cycle which slowly creates a whirlpool.)

QUICK CUT to MICHAEL, swimming.

MICHAEL looks for RACHEL down in the dark water, he sees a instant flash that lasts for a second; MICHAEL sees RACHEL and starts swimming towards her.


RACHEL starts swimming towards the light she saw. RACHEL is startled by MICHAEL who grabs her by the foot. RACHEL’S face reflects the utter horror, she obviously expects a shark.

MICHAEL pulls RACHEL up towards the surface.

QUICK CUT to close up of RACHEL and MICHAEL’s face.

MICHAEL and RACHEL surface, their faces reveal disbelief that they are still alive. Suddenly, MICHAEL’s face reflects bewilderment.

QUICK CUT to close up of RACHEL’S and MICHAEL’S hands.

Hanging on ever so slightly, MICHAEL loses grip and RACHEL is torn away.

QUICK CUT to wide panel view of entire situation.

RACHEL soars through the air, leaving the water.


MICHAEL’S face shows disbelief and fear as he loses RACHEL. MICHAEL looks up and sees a US Coast Guard tilt-rotor airplane, sent upon a report of a explosion out at sea, hoisting RACHEL up into safety. Nearby a Coast Guard diver waves his hands frantically for MICHAEL to swim along.

The Coast Guard diver is dressed in a black diving suit with an orange fluorescent life vest around his torso.

QUICK CUT to under the water.

The whirlpool approaches the surface of the water, and the currents are getting stronger with every passing second.


MICHAEL is struggling to swim towards the COAST GUARD, where the harness is waiting for him.


MICHAEL’S head falls beneath the surface of the water, and resurface. MICHAEL uses his last ounce of energy to propel him to the harness. MICHAEL, with the help of the COAST GUARD DIVER slides his head under and his left arm over the harness. COAST GUARD DIVER grabs on to the harness and the harness is hoisted up towards the airplane.

QUICK CUT TO holding area of airplane.

MICHAEL and RACHEL sit in the airplane hugging each other. RACHEL cries with relief as MICHAEL places her head on his shoulder. MICHAEL looks out of the back to see his beloved ship, The Goya, swirl in a circle and get devoured by the giant whirlpool below. As they fly away, MICHAEL sees the flickering lights as the Goya descends into the depths.