понедељак, 8. јун 2009.

Space Technology

Some of the greatest moments in the history of humankind have happened thanks to technology. One of those unforgettable events was NASA’s mission Apollo 11, which took off on July 16th 1969 and landed on the moon on July 20th 1969. As Neil Armstrong’s stated, it really was, “One small step for man, but a giant step for mankind.” This is a perfect example of how technology could be used for noble causes. Since that landing, our technological advance shows no signs of stopping and we have made many discoveries but none with such importance as the Lunar Landing of 1969, which unified the world in a mutual feeling of dignity for being a member of a race which was able to leave the mother planet. Unfortunately, such endeavors occur rarely and technological prosperity is mainly focused on creating a profit, therefore many vital problems such as cancer, aids, poverty, famine, pollution and global warming are still unresolved although it’s obvious that we do have resources and scientists who could solve them, but money is utilized for wrong reasons. The question is: what is technology good for if it’s not used for humane causes?

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